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Roland Erne

Presentation with D. Golden, TraPoCo Conference, Vienna, Austria, 22 Sep.

Presentation with V. Maccarrone, 13th ILERA European Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 10 Sep.

Presentation with J. Nowak, 13th ILERA European Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 8 Sep.

Presentation with V. Maccarrone, CPERN 2022 Mid-term Workshop, Limerick, Ireland, 22 Jul.

Presentations with I. Szabó and D. GoldenCES 28th International Conference of Europeanists, Lisbon, Portugal, 1 Jul.

Invited talk, Unia EU Conference, Olten, Switzerland, 11 Jun.

Presentation with V. Maccarrone, SISEC Conference, Bologna, Italy, 9 Jun.

Presentation with J. Nowak, ILRR Workshop, Leuven, Belgium, 21 Apr.

Invited talk with V. Maccarrone and S. Stan, Conference-debate at the European Parliament, 31 Mar.

Costanza Galanti

Guest lecture, University of Padua, Italy, 21 Nov.

Presentation with M. Naughton, CPERN Mid-term WorkshopLimerick, Ireland, 22 Jul.

Presentation, SISEC Conference, Bologna, Italy, 8 Jun.

Fieldwork in Romania, June/July.

Guest lecture, University of Bolzano, Italy, Virtual, 6 May.

Presentation with M. Naughton, ILPC Conference, Padua, Italy, 22 Apr.

Darragh Golden

Presentation with R. Erne, TraPoCo Conference, Vienna, Austria, 22 Sep.

Presentations with I. Szabó and R. ErneCES 28th International Conference of Europeanists, Lisbon, Portugal, 1 Jul.

Vincenzo Maccarrone

Presentation with R. Erne, 13th ILERA European Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 10 Sep.

Presentation with R. Erne, CPERN 2022 Mid-term Workshop, Limerick, Ireland, 22 Jul.

Presentation with R. Erne, SISEC Conference, Bologna, Italy, 9 Jun.

Presentation with A. Tassinari, ILPC Conference, Padua, Italy, 23 Apr.

Presentation, ILRR Workshop, Leuven, Belgium, 20 Apr.

Invited talk with S. Stan and R. Erne, Conference-debate at the European Parliament, 31 Mar.

Mary Naughton

Presentation with C. Galanti, CPERN Mid-term Workshop, Limerick, Ireland, 22 Jul.

Presentation with C. Galanti, ILPC Conference, Padua, Italy, 22 Apr.

Discussant, CPERN workshop 'A critical political economy of health movements', Virtual, 24 Feb.

Sabina Stan

PresentationCommunity Health Research, Practice and Education Conference, Dublin City University, Ireland, 2 Sep.

Invited talk with V. Maccarrone and R. Erne, Conference-debate at the European Parliament, 31 Mar.

Imre Szabó

Presentations with D. Golden and R. ErneCES 28th International Conference of Europeanists, Lisbon, Portugal, 1 Jul.

Visiting Researcher, Free University of Berlin, Germany, May-Aug 22.


Roland Erne

Invited talk with S. Stan, European Centre for Workers' Questions (EZA)Virtual, 16 Dec.

Award: UCD College of Business Teaching Award 2020/21, Dublin, Ireland, 10 Dec.

Presentation with V. Maccarrone, ETUI internal seminar, Brussels, Belgium, 1 Dec.

Invited talk with S. Stan, European Network Against Privatisation and Commercialisation of Health and Social Protection meeting, Virtual, 20 Nov.

Invited talk with S. Stan, EPSU Standing Committee on Health and Social Services 55th Meeting, Virtual, 19 Oct.

Invited talk with S. Stan, ETUI-EPSU webinar, Virtual, 29 Sep.

Presentation with D. Golden, IREC 2021, Florence, Italy, 16 Sep.

Keynote lecture, EuroMemo Group 27th Annual ConferenceVirtual, 14 Sep.

Presentation with S. Stan, UACES 51st Annual Conference, Virtual, 6 Sep.

Presentation with V. Maccarrone, 15th ESA ConferenceVirtual, 2 Sep.

Presentation, CES 27th International Conference of EuropeanistsVirtual, 25 June.

Presentation with S. Stan, CES 27th International Conference of EuropeanistsVirtual, 22 Jun.

Invited talk with S. Stan, International People's Health University, Virtual, 25 May.

Costanza Galanti

PresentationUniversity of Florence, Virtual, 13 Dec.

Presentation15th ESA ConferenceVirtual, 2 Sep.

Presentation, SASE 33rd Conference, Virtual, 2 Jul.

Visiting Researcher, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania, Jul-Oct.

Presentation, 19th ILERA World Congress, Lund, Sweden, 21 Jun.

Presentation, SISEC 5th Conference, Catania, Italy, 11 Jun.

Presentation and panel moderator, UCD College of Business PhD Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, 30 Apr.

Presentation at a seminar of the University of Bologna, Italy, 29 Mar.

Darragh Golden

Visiting Researcher, trade union research institute Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vittorio, Rome, Italy, Oct-Dec 21.

Presentation, International Railway Studies (Ferinter) Colloquium, Brussels, Belgium, 28 Sep.

Presentation with R. Erne, IREC 2021, Florence, Italy, 16 Sep.

Vincenzo Maccarrone

Presentation with R. Erne, ETUI internal seminar, Brussels, Belgium, 1 Dec.

Visiting Researcher, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels, Belgium, Sep-Dec.

Presentation, IREC 2021, Florence, Italy, 17 Sep.

Presentation with R. Erne, 15th ESA ConferenceVirtual, 2 Sep.

Presentation15th ESA ConferenceVirtual, 2 Sep.

Mary Naughton

Presentation, seminar at UCM, Madrid, Spain, 26 Nov.

Presentation, 15th ESA Conference, Virtual, 2 Sep.

Visiting Researcher, Universidad Complutense Madrid (UCM) and trade union research institute Fundación Primero de Mayo, Madrid, Spain, Sep-Dec.

Presentation, SASE 33rd Conference, Virtual, 3 Jul.

Presentation and panel moderator, UCD College of Business PhD Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, 30 Apr.

Sabina Stan

Invited talk with R. Erne, European Centre for Workers' Questions (EZA)Virtual, 16 Dec.

Invited talk with R. Erne, European Network Against Privatisation and Commercialisation of Health and Social Protection meeting, Virtual, 20 Nov.

Invited talk with R. Erne, EPSU Standing Committee on Health and Social Services 55th Meeting, Virtual, 19 Oct.

Invited talk with R. Erne, ETUI-EPSU webinar, Virtual, 29 Sep.

Presentation with R. Erne, UACES 51st Annual Conference, Virtual, 6 Sep.

Presentation with R. Erne, CES 27th International Conference of Europeanists, Virtual, 22 Jun.

Invited talk with R. Erne, International People's Health University, Virtual, 25 May.

Imre Szabó

Visiting Researcher, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), Germany, Oct 20-Jul 21.


Roland Erne

Invited talk, CoPP/MPPSC Joint Seminar Series, Tübingen University, Germany, 9 Dec.

Presentation with S. Stan, UCD Covid-19 Research Mornings, Dublin, Ireland, 27 Nov.

2 presentations with D. Golden and I. Szabó, UACES Virtual Conference, 9 Sep.

2 presentations (with D. Golden and I. Szabó; with J. Nowak)CPERN 2020 Mid-term Workshop, Limerick, Ireland, 20 Jun.

Appointment: Invitation to be one of the co-editors of the ILR Review's (ABS3) forthcoming Special Issue on 'Transnational Employment Relations in the European Union', May.

Invited talk, Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM), Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 7 May.

Appointment: Invitation to join the External Board of the PhD Programme in Transnational Governance, which is organised by the prestigious Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence in collaboration with the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa, Italy, 30 Mar. The PhD Board also includes Donatella Della Porta (SNS Florence), Lucio Baccaro (Max Planck Institute), Caroline de la Porte (Copenhagen Business School) and Stefano Guzzini (Uppsala University).

Discussant, UCD Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence PhD Winter SchoolDublin, Ireland, 15-16 Jan.

Costanza Galanti

PresentationSIAA Conference, Parma, Italy, 3 Dec.

PresentationCPERN 2020 Mid-term Workshop, Limerick, Ireland, 20 Jun.

Presentation, UCD Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence PhD Winter SchoolDublin, Ireland, 15-16 Jan.

Darragh Golden

2 presentations with R. Erne and I. Szabó, UACES Virtual Conference, 9 Sep.

Presentation with I. Szabó and R. Erne CPERN 2020 Mid-term Workshop, Limerick, Ireland, 20 Jun.

Vincenzo Maccarrone

Submission of PhD thesis in Sep and successful Viva Voce in December.

PresentationCPERN 2020 Mid-term Workshop, Limerick, Ireland, 20 Jun.

Talk, Political Economy Working Group, EUI, Florence, Italy, 11 Jun.

Chair & discussant for a panel on 'The European Dimension of Labour Market Policies', Workshop 'Labour market dynamics, institutions and their mutual linkages: fostering interdisciplinary dialogue', EUI, Florence, Italy, 5 May.

Visiting Researcher, Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), Florence, Italy, Feb-Jun.

Presentation, 4th conference of the Italian Association of Economic Sociology (SISEC), Italy, 31 Jan.

Presentation, UCD Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence PhD Winter SchoolDublin, Ireland, 15-16 Jan.

Mary Naughton

PresentationCPERN 2020 Mid-term Workshop, Limerick, Ireland, 20 Jun.

Presentation, UCD Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence PhD Winter School, Dublin, Ireland, 15-16 Jan.

Jörg Nowak

PresentationCPERN 2020 Mid-term Workshop, Limerick, Ireland, 20 Jun.

Sabina Stan

Presentation with R. Erne, UCD Covid-19 Research Mornings, Dublin, Ireland, 27 Nov.

Invited talk, Council Meeting of the Federation Sud Santé Sociaux, Paris, France, 30 Jan. 

Imre Szabó

Presentation, internal seminar at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), Germany, 10 Dec.

Visiting Researcher, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), Germany, Oct 20-Jul 21.

2 presentations with R. Erne and D. Golden, UACES Virtual Conference, 9 Sep.

Presentation with D. Golden and R. ErneCPERN 2020 Mid-term Workshop, Limerick, Ireland, 20 Jun.

In General

We invited Devi Sacchetto from University of Padova to give a public seminar on 'Shaping labour markets in the EU. The 'new 'skills of migrant workers' (27 Jan).