Social Media Links


Giugăl, A. (2024) 'INTERVIU | Sabina Stan, profesor la Dublin City University: „Transformarea muncii și a serviciilor publice în mărfuri, care pot fi vândute și cumpărate pe piață, alimentează mișcările extremiste”', Libertatea, 10 July. (Libertatea is Romania's biggest newspaper)

Erne, R. et al. (2024) 'Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency'. Fringe meeting at the 11th EPSU Congress, Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest, Romania, 20 June. Available at:

Erne, R. et al. (2024) 'Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency'. Book launch symposium, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, Italy, 17 June. Available at:

Méda, D. (2024) 'Sociologist Dominique Méda: 'We need more European Union''. Le Monde, 27 May. Available at: The article refers to our book Politicising Commodification.

Newspapers & Magazines

Erne, R. (2024) 'On a plane with Nicolas SchmitSocial Europe, 22 April. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Femeile din Europa câștigă în continuare mult mai puțin decât bărbații'. The Union of Professional Journalists of Romania (UZPR), 1 April. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Real steps towards a level playing field'. The European, Winter 2023/2024, pp. 96-97. Available at:

Erne_2024_The European_Real steps toward
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Erne, R. (2023) 'Os muito ricos que paguem mais impostos!horizonte, No. 7, 3 November, p. 4. Adapted from Work 18/23. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Schweizer Lohnschutz erhält überraschende Unterstützung'. Work, 20 October, p. 13. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'L'Europa rafforza la legge sulla parità salariale [Europe strengthens law on equal pay]'. area (the Swiss trade union UNIA's monthly for social and labour criticism), XXVI (13), 15 September. Available at:

Golden, D. (2023) 'Ryanair - on the side of Europe's citizens?Social Europe, 27 June. Available at:


Area - Mensile di critica sociale e del lavoro (Swiss-Italian monthly)

Erne, R. (2024) 'Un campanello d’allarme che deve svegliare l’Europa'. area, XXVII (7), 20 June. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Ryanair costretta ad abbandonare la sua politica antisindacale'. area, XXVII (6), 31 May. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Il ritorno della politica dell’austerità'. area, XXVII (5), 7 May. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Responsabilità aziendale, l’UE fa un grande passo avanti'. area, XXVII (4), 2 April. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'La Svizzera ha acceso una luce in mezzo all’Europa'. area, XXVII (3), 22 March, p. 2. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Lotta di classe transnazionale nell'UE'. area, XXVII (2), 22 February. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Suona la campagna dei diritti per l'economia digitale'. area, XXVII (1), 26 January, p. 8. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'L’Europa rafforza la legge sulla parit salariale'. area, XXVI (9), 14 September. Available at:

express - Zeitung für sozialistische Betriebs- und Gewerkschaftsarbeit

Erne, R. (2024) 'Europa express (9): Wahltag ist Zahltag'. express, 62(7-8): 15. Available at: TBC.

Erne, R. (2024) 'Europa express (8): Europäisch Fliegen – Im Flugzeug mit Nicolas Schmit und über RyanAir'. express, 62(5-6): 7. Available at: TBC.

Erne, R. (2024) 'Europa express (7): Konzernverantwortung – EU ist einen großen Schritt weiter'. express, 62(4): 10. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Europa express (6): Transnationaler Klassenkampf – in Brüssel und der Schweiz'. express, 62(3): 10. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Europa express (5): Irland: Fremdenfeindliche November-Krawalle in Dublin'. express, 61(12): 11. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Europa express (4): Der schwedische Tesla Streik wird zu einem globalen Konflikt'. express, 61(12). Available only online at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Europa express (3): Europäische Chancen und Schweizer Hoffnungen'. express, 61(11): 18. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Europa express (2): Wundersame Reformen in und mit der EU'. express, 61(10): 12. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Europa express (1): Mindestlohn, Öffentlicher Dienst und Trucker-Streik'. express, 61(5): 13. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Zur EU-Mindestlohnrichtlinie'. express, 61(3-4): 19. Available at:

Work (Swiss-German bi-monthly)

The Swiss Trade Union Confederation (SGB) republishes 'Ernes Europa' column in its 'Europa-Blog'

Erne, R. (2024) 'Ernes Europa (18): Europaparlament: EU-Wahltag ist Zahltag'. Work, 8/24, 20 June, p. 8. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Ernes Europa (17): Irland: Ryanair bezwungen'. Work, 7/24, 30 May, p. 8. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Ernes Europa (16): EU-Finanzen: Sparfanatiker im Aufwind'. Work, 6/24, 10 May, p. 15. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Ernes Europa (15): EU-Wahlen: Im Flieger mit Kandidat Schmit'. Work, 5/24, 18 April, p. 10. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Ernes Europa (14): Konzernverantwortung: EU ist einen grossen Schritt weiter'. Work, 4/24, 28 March, p. 12. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Ernes Europa (13): AHV-Sieg: «Renten­revolution»'. Work, 3/24, 8 March, p. 5. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Ernes Europa (12): EU-Wahlen: Hektische Zeiten in Europa'. Work, 2/24, 16 February, p. 12. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'Ernes Europa (11): Antisoziale Allianz um Uber, Deliveroo & Co.'. Work, 1/24, 29 January, p. 12. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Ernes Europa (10): Irland: Überraschender Fremdenhass'. Work, 21/23, 15 December, p. 14. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Ernes Europa (9): Kräftemessen mit Musk: Tesla-Streik wird zum globalen Konflikt'. Work, 20/23, 1 December, p. 8. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Ernes Europa (8): Europäische Bürgerinitiativen: Besteuert die Reichen!Work, 18/23, 3 November, p. 8. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Ernes Europa (7): Stärkung von GAV: Rumänien macht es vor'. Work, 16/23, 29 September, p. 12. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Ernes Europa (6): Mehr Recht auf Transparenz: Neues EU-Gesetz stärkt die Lohngleichheit'. Work, 15/23, 15 September, p. 8. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Ernes Europa (5): Lohnschutz EU debattiert Trucker-Streik'. Work, 8/23, 28 April, p. 10. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Ernes Europa (4): Service public I: Schluss mit EU-Sparpolitik'. Work, 7/23, 14 April, p. 8. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Ernes Europa (3): EU-Mindestlohnrichtlinie III: Neue soziale Standards'. Work, 6/23, 31 March, p. 8. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Ernes Europa (2): EU-Mindestlohnrichtlinie II: Aus dem Brexit gelernt'. Work, 5/23, 17 March, p. 8. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Ernes Europa (1): EU-Mindestlohnrichtlinie: Den Spiess umgedreht'. Work, 4/23, 3 March, p. 6. Available at:


Erne, R. (2024) ‘On a plane with Nicolas Schmit, the lead-candidate of the European Socialists in the coming EU elections’, UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy, 2 May. Available at:

Erne, R. (2023) 'Contesting Musk: Swedish Tesla strike becomes a global conflict'. Trade unions and global restructuring, 6 December. Available at:

In the News

Giugăl, A. (2024) 'INTERVIU | Sabina Stan, profesor la Dublin City University: „Transformarea muncii și a serviciilor publice în mărfuri, care pot fi vândute și cumpărate pe piață, alimentează mișcările extremiste”', Libertatea, 10 July. (Libertatea is Romania's biggest newspaper)

IR Notes (2024) 'Reading - New economic governance', no. 234, 10 July. Available at: The article is also available in French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish.

Roland Erne featuring in

Méda, D. (2024) 'Sociologist Dominique Méda: 'We need more European Union''. Le Monde, 27 May. Available at: The article is also available in the French original.

Agnoletto, V. and Mordiglia, E. (2024) Radio interview on 'EU health policies and the role of Europe in the health policies of individual countries (politiche sanitarie dell’Unione europea e del ruolo dell’Europa nelle politiche dei singoli Paesi)'. Radio Popolare, 10 May. Available at: (minutes 7:25-17:36).

Erne, R. (2024) 'Equal pay laws in Europe are failing pay — transparency could be the key'. Euronews, 28 March. Available at:

Kelley, C. (2024) 'Die Schweizer erhöhen die Renten statt das Rentenalter'. Jacobin, 20 March. Available at:

NewsGram (2024) 'In the biggest election year in history, experts join forces to address the great challenges facing democracy', 21 January. Available at:

UCD Research (2024) 'In the biggest election year in history, experts join forces to address the great challenges facing democracy', 19 January. Available at:,725011,en.html.

Rigendinger, B. (2023) 'Swiss wage protection - a model for the EU?Swissinfo (international news channel of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation), 21 August. Available at: The original article is in German.

Kirby, J. (2023) 'Why strikes might disrupt your summer Eurotrip'. Vox (US newspaper), 25 June. Available at:


Erne, R. et al. (2024) 'Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency'. Fringe meeting at the 11th EPSU Congress, Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest, Romania, 20 June. Available at:

Erne, R. et al. (2024) 'Politicising Commodification. European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency'. Book launch symposium, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, Italy, 17 June. Available at:

Erne, R. (2024) 'EU New Economic Governance and Healthcare'. EPSU conference ‘Health before Profit’, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium, 8 April. Available at: (01:09:15-01:29:55).

Erne, R. (2024) 'Trajectories of transnational social protests in Europe'. Ciampi lecture, SNS, Florence, Italy, 30 April. Available at:

Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2024) 'Pursuing an overarching commodification script through country-specific interventions? The EU’s New Economic Governance prescriptions in healthcare (2009–2019)'. TraPoCo webinar, 1 March. Available at:

Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2024) 'Pursuing an overarching commodification script through country-specific interventions? The EU’s New Economic Governance prescriptions in healthcare (2009–2019)'. EUHealthGov webinar, 28 February. Available at: