Media (2017-22)

Newspapers & Magazines

Szabó, I., Golden, D. and Erne, R. (2022) 'Erfolg und Scheitern transnationaler Gewerkschaftskampagnen. Die europäischen Bürgerinitiativen right2water und fair transport'. express, 4/2022: 17. Available at:

Erne, R. (2021) '«Avoir raison» et «obtenir justice», ce n'est pas la même chose. Protection des salaires et accord institutionnel'. Domaine Public, 25 May. Available at:

Erne, R. and Blaser, M. (2018) 'Direkte Demokratie und Gewerkschaften'. Mehr Demokratie, 23 March. Available at:

Erne, R. and Gross, A. (2021) 'Schweizer Lohnschutz gilt nicht nur für Inländer [Swiss wage protection does not only apply to nationals]'. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 31 May, p. 19. Available at:

Stan, S. (2021) 'Black Box East: The Politics of Avoidable Covid-19 Deaths in Romania'. Berliner Gazette, 23 November. Available at: Available also in German.

Golden, D. (2021) 'European Social Dialogue - can it be revived?' Social Europe, 25 October. Available at:

Szabó, I. (2021) ''Recovery and Resilience' - how that looks from the east'. Social Europe, 4 October 2021. Available at:

Naughton, M. (2021) 'A health system for all of Ireland'. Peoples Dispatch, 13 August. Available at:


Area - Mensile di critica sociale e del lavoro (Swiss-Italian monthly)

Erne, R. (2019) 'Recht haben und Recht bekommen ist nicht dasselbe'. Links. Magazine of the Swiss Social Democratic Party, 18 April. Available at:


Béthoux, E., Erne, R., Golden, D. (2019) 'Les syndicats ont-ils été oubliés de la campagne européenne?' The Conversation, 22 May. Available at:

Erne, R. (2019) 'Die Kampagne "Löhne statt Grenzen schützen!" Zum Rahmenvertrag Schweiz - EU'. Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI), 18 April. Available at:

Jordan, J., Maccarrone, V. and Erne. R. (2020) 'There is little evidence the EU's post-crisis economic governance regime has moved in a more 'social' direction'. LSE EUROPP Blog, 6 April. Available at:

Stan, S. (2021) 'The Politics of Avoidable Covid-19 Deaths in Romania'. LeftEast, 2 December. Available at:

Stan, S. (2020) 'European guidelines for the commercialisation of healthcare'. Interview, Organization for Workers' Initiative and Democratization (OWID), 18 June. Available at:

Szabó, I. G., Golden, D. and Erne, R. (2022) 'Why Do some labour alliances succeed in politicising Europe across borders?' LSE EUROPP Blog, 1 April. Available at:

Szabó, I. G., Golden, D. and Erne, R. (2022) 'Handmaids of transnational democracy? EU politicization and citizens' initiatives by trade unions'. WZB Orders Beyond Borders Blog, 15 February. Available at:

Szabó, I. G., Golden, D. and Erne, R. (2022) 'Why Do some Labour Alliances Succeed in Politicizing Europe across Borders?The JCMS Blog, 11 February. Available at:

Szabó, I., Golden, D. and Finlay, G. (interview) (2022) 'Rights at work: together, beyond borders, is better'. Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, 7 January. Available at:

UCD (2021) 'New study finds that Eastern European migrants don’t drain Western European healthcare services'. Available at:

Related article: Stan, S., Erne, R. and Gannon, S. (2021) 'Bringing EU citizens together or pulling them apart? The European Health Insurance Card, east-west mobility and the failed promise of European social integration'. Journal of European Social Policy, 31 (4): 409-23.

In the News

Roland Erne featuring in

McCall (2018) 'New research to focus on impact of EU policy on labour movements'. The Irish Times, 15 March, p. 7. Available at:

Goodwin, H. (2017) 'EUI alumnus wins ERC grant'. EUI Life, 19 December. Available at:

UCD Today (2017) 'ERC Consolidator Grant Success', Autumn, p. 4. Available at:

UCD (2017) 'ERC Consolidator Grant Success', President's Bulletin - Professor Andrew Deeks, #157 - 23 May.

"Congratulations to Professor Roland Erne, UCD School of Business, on being awarded a European Research Council Consolidator Grant. The grant, valued at €2 million, is one of only two nationally awarded ERC grants in this round of the competition. Professor Erne’s project is entitled ‘Labour Politics and the EU’s New Economic Governance Regime (European Unions)’. In the context of the tensions that an increasingly authoritarian strain in EU governance brings, this project aims to map the EU’s new governance regime and the shifts in labour politics; open up novel analytical approaches to capture the underlying transnational social processes at work; analyse the responses of European labour movements; and develop a new scientific paradigm capable of accounting for the interplay between EU governance, labour politics and EU democracy."

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Sabina Stan featuring in

Dublin City University, School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health Research Newsletter (2020) 'Labour Politics and the EU's New Economic Governance in Healthcare', June, p. 10. Available at:


Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2022) 'EU matters! Nominal & actual EU competencies and interventions in healthcare'Community Health Research, Practice and Education Conference, School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health. Dublin City University, Ireland, 2 SeptemberAvailable at:

della Porta, D. (2022) 'Transnational Collective Action: Some reflection on cross-national diffusion in pandemic times'. Guest lecture at University College Dublin, Ireland, 4 April. Available at:

Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2021) 'Time for a paradigm change in understanding the emerging European health-care system'. ETUI-EPSU webinar 'Transforming care work within an era of changing priorities of care policy after the pandemic, 29 September. Available at: (21:02-32:53).

Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2021) 'The EU's 'new economic governance' in healthcare: further privatisation and commercialisation'. International People's Health University, People's Health Movement, Virtual, 25 May. Available at

Erne, R. (2020) 'Explaining EU politization in terms of sovereignty conflicts? A word of caution'. 'Conflicts of Sovereignty in the European Union (SovEU)' International Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 19 November. Available at:

Full playlist of the event here.

ERC project launch event, 13 March 2018

The transcript of Prof Philippe C. Schmitter's speech is here:

2018-03-13_Schmitter keynote transcripti
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